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REST-assured and Salesforce Quick Start
Salesforce provides RESTful API's that allow us to interact with all the objects with your organisation, whether they are standard or...
Loupe Testware
Mar 16, 20213 min read

3 things to consider before you outsource Software Testing
Outsourcing Software Testing, or any other IT related service for that matter, to a specialist service provider is nothing new. We expect...
Loupe Testware
Mar 11, 20213 min read

The "Test Engineer" of the "Future"
Ok so we'll start this blog with a disclaimer, its written to provoke reflection on the current skillset and practices used within your...
Loupe Testware
Mar 5, 20213 min read

Automate best practice in 5 minutes with ESLint
What is ESLint? Good question, glad you asked. Let me act like a politician, and instead of answer it, redirect by asking you a question....
Oct 27, 20203 min read

Executing Selenium tests remotely from AWS with Sauce Labs
Executing UI tests from AWS presents a challenge with the execution environment. You'll need to decide whether you standup up an...
linford copeland
Oct 6, 20203 min read

Introduction to e2e testing in JavaScript with Cypress
What is e2e testing? End-to-end (e2e) testing is a common type of software application testing that replicates a whole user workflow...
Oct 5, 20206 min read

Automating your API testing with AWS and Rest-assured
We recently shared a guide post on our LinkedIn page from the AWS DevOps blog series that gives a step by step guide on setting up a...
Loupe Testware
Sep 29, 20204 min read

Cloud testing - get comfortable with using a CLI!
Whilst we continue to explore Cloud Testing and what it means for us all as testers in the future, we really feel that getting...
Loupe Testware
Sep 17, 20202 min read

IaC testers introduction (AWS)
In this weeks blog post we wanted to share what we think is a good foundation / entry level introduction to Infrastructure as Code (IaC)...
linford copeland
Sep 9, 20203 min read

Automated Test Automation using Jenkins
Take practical steps towards continuous testing using Jenkins, BitBucket Cloud and webhooks.
linford copeland
Sep 3, 20203 min read

What building software taught me about testing software.
This is a blog for people who build software, people who test software and people who build software that tests software. “SoFtWaRe ThAt...
Loupe Testware
Aug 28, 20203 min read

Cypress and Testing within the Shadow DOM (AWS-Amplify)
This article assumes you know how to do basic end to end testing with cypress for more information see to get...
Aug 24, 20202 min read

Mocking API calls with Jest
Who needs mocks? The term “mock” or “mocking” in software testing is ubiquitous, but can have multiple meaning leading it to be...
Aug 14, 20203 min read

5 lessons learnt implementing a test automation project
There’s a saying we seem to band around the office (or zoom nowadays…) a lot, “you’ll look back at code you wrote 6 months ago and wonder...
Loupe Testware
Aug 7, 20202 min read

Testing pyramid 2.0
If you’ve ever worked in testing or QA you’ve probably seen something like this. (credit to Ministry of Testing) And by now you’re...
Loupe Testware
Aug 3, 20202 min read

What is Quality?
It’s a question that all software delivery professionals must think about daily. What is quality? Seth Godin challenges us to think...
linford copeland
Aug 3, 20203 min read
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